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Learn about how to get stronger, upgrade your mindset and cultivate a healthier relationship with food. I’m a Nutrition and Fitness Coach who advocates for strength, empowerment and education. Think of me as your personal sidekick. We're just two people with the same vision: a healthier, stronger, happier…YOU!

Learn about how to get stronger, upgrade your mindset and cultivate a healthier relationship with food. Let's work together towards a healthier, stronger, happier YOU!

9 Tips to overcome holiday overindulgence

Last post I talked about why I skip New Year’s Resolutions and why it’s important to set sustainable long-term habits instead. 


This week, as the holiday festivities are starting to creep up on us, I wanted to talk about how to take control of the holidays and overcome overindulgence so you can stick to those habits and achieve the goals you’ve carefully considered and set for yourself. 

Without further ado *drum roll* 

9 tips to overcome holiday overindulgence

TIP 1 – Notice your environment


Think about your biggest challenges going into the holidays. Is it the environment, certain people, certain situations? Does it spark anxiety or frustration within you? Identifying challenges allows you to be proactive and think of solutions in advance. This reduces stress and allows you to enjoy yourself more! 


TIP 2 – Bring your own food


Consider your OTHER short-term goal or possible health issue (allergies, dietary restrictions etc.) that can interfere with your plan of building sustainable habits. Be conscious of it and plan social engagements accordingly. Volunteer to bring in a specific dish or host the gathering if it means you’ll be able to prepare food that is more aligned with your needs. 


TIP 3 – Gain conscious control


Take ownership of your food and fitness decisions and don’t assume the responsibility to external influences. These phrases are not empowering or supportive of your health goals: “They made me.” “Someone brought dessert into the office.” If anyone guilts you into eating after you said no thank you, that’s their problem – not yours! 


TIP 4 – Do not let others pressure you. 


This can be especially challenging around the holidays because food is how we celebrate culture and show love in many places in the world. But, if you’re not okay with eating something, then do not eat it. Set boundaries from a place of compassion for yourself and for your loved one. 


Trust me, you can still enjoy your aunt’s famous stuffing without feeling so stuffed you’re uncomfortable in your own skin. 


Pro Tip This also applies to getting unsolicited comments about your body. It’s absolutely no one’s business. Take a deep breath and tell them what’s up! You got this! 

TIP 5 – Choose protein and greens first


Start with the roast, salad, vegetable medley, and nutrient-dense foods before grabbing the rolls, stuffing or cakes. 


Nutrient dense and fiber-rich vegetables help prevent overeating and support digestion and elimination. This leaves space to make more conscious decisions for the other goodies, like one slice of the pie compared to the whole damn pie.


TIP 6 – Eat like any other day


Eat your standard portion, then omit the second or third helping if you’re full. Enjoy the same portions you would on any other day or night. Remind yourself there will always be more food. Bring a container to take leftovers home with you. 


TIP 7 – Stay hydrated


If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, include water and herbal teas in between. Also consider limiting mixed cocktails with the added sugar and nutrient void liquid calories. If you choose not to drink, you have every right to tell someone off who may not be honouring your boundary. 


TIP 8 – Stay active and have fun with fitness


Go for a walk with your family, friends, the dog etc. Before heading out to feast, plan to move at the gym, at home, or outdoors (skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing etc.) Or, encourage a group dance party! 


TIP 9 – Make positive statements


Instead of, “I already cheated, to hell with it!” try, “that was delicious, now back to my next nutrient dense meal!” This helps prevent the restriction and binge cycle and supports a healthy lifestyle. Remember, if your long-term diet doesn’t leave room for foods you enjoy, it’s probably not sustainable. 


So, to sum it up… set yourself up for success and enjoy the holidays responsibly. I hope these 9 tips will help you remain committed to your long-term goals.  


Happy holidays and merry christmas from me to you. May it be a happy time full of laughter and good memories. And if it’s a hard time for you, know that I’m thinking of you too. I’m always an email away. 


In health and with love, 


Coach P2


Mindset, Nutrition




9 Tips to overcome holiday overindulgence

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